• Don't Forget Brain Tumour Care! Unprecedented Lobby at the House of Commons

    Nicole Witts helping to launch the Brain Tumour Care Charter

    NICE published its Guidance on Improving Outcomes for People with Brain and Other CNS Tumours
    in 2006 but a five year delay in national implementation has led to a postcode lottery of
    treatment, rehabilitation and care across the country. On March 29th, our lobby of Parliament asked MPs to
    sign up in support of the Guidance and make sure the guidelines are not lost in the wider NHS

    Showing A United Front: every brain tumour charity in the UK was represented at Parliament

    Some 200 patients, carers, charities and medical professionals asked MPs to sign up to a brain tumour
    care charter in support of the Guidance and make sure the guidelines are not lost in the wider NHS reforms.

    Presenting the Brain Tumour Care Charter to MPs at Parliament

    The Brain Tumour Care Charter is the most important document about brain tumour patient care of the last five years. YOU CAN READ IT BY CLICKING HERE