About Nicole Phillips

Nicole Phillips is a consciousness-raiser, fundraiser, campaigner and organizer in the fight against brain tumours. Based in Buckinghamshire, UK, her work has featured in the Daily Mail and the News of the World and on TV and radio nationwide.

Nicole was diagnosed with a grade 1 meningioma in February 2008 after a series of GPs had misinterpreted symptoms dating back over six months. After a nine hour operation to remove a tumour the size of an orange – which had threatened her with the loss of speech – she began fundraising right there from her hospital bed!

Nicole Witts recovering from her 9 hour operation

Nicole recovering from her long operation

Since then Nicole has organized an entire series of fundraising events, working with a dedicated team of friends and colleagues and succeeding where a difficult economy has seen many others fail.

When Nicole was first diagnosed, she was married and known then as Nicole Witts.  She had two gorgeous daughters – Megan and Ellen. Her marriage didn’t last and for a while Nicole reverted to being known by her maiden name – Nicole Taylor.  In March 2014, an MRI scan showed that a tumour had started growing again. Nicole had recently become engaged to a new partner so her medical team decided to delay treatment until after her wedding and honeymoon. Nicole Phillips, as she is now known, is preparing herself for further treatment for her current brain tumour. But that doesn’t stop her from being a passionate and determined ambassador, mother and wife!

Brain tumours are the last great frontier in cancer research. They now kill more UK children annually than leukaemia, and end the lives of more under-40s than any other form of solid tumour. With state funding of research into brain tumours low and falling, Nicole aims to raise the money necessary to defeat this terrible set of cancers once and for all.

All funds raised by Nicole and Head 1st go to the only national UK charity funding long-term and sustainable research into brain tumours – and that charity is Brain Tumour Research.